Aroph Stories Podcast

Episode 8 | “Peyton Trent, Son of God” by Devin DeMarco

Aroph Stories Podcast
Aroph Stories Podcast
Episode 8 | "Peyton Trent, Son of God" by Devin DeMarco

A new story by Devin DeMarco entitled Peyton Trent, Son of God narrated by guest actor Lorien Reese.

Short Bio:

Devin DeMarco is from a small town in upstate New York that you’ve never heard of.  Or maybe you have.  She doesn’t know your life.  Anyway, she recently earned her MFA in Creative Writing and Literature from Stony Brook University.  She also writes fiction that’s sometimes really weird, and sometimes only lowkey weird.  Her story Happy Birthday, Beatrice appeared in The Southampton Review.  It was about a dead cat.  Her own cat, in contrast, will never die.

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