• Adrienne Lauren Photography, author shoot, headshots, photos
    Blog,  Updates

    Author Photos by Adrienne Lauren Photography

    Cedar Hill Cemetery in Port Jefferson, NY was the location for long-overdue author shoot (ten years waiting). I was incredibly blessed to get my author photos updated by Adrienne Lauren Photography. We strolled up and down the rolling hills passing by rusted iron in various levels of decay amidst the leaning ruins of lives long past. What better place to feel inspired to write than the restless home of the departed If you ever need photos of any kind done…

  • Aroph Stories Podcast
    Aroph Stories,  Blog,  Podcast

    Episode 0 | Introduction to Aroph Stories

    Here is an introduction to the Aroph Stories Podcast. For the next eight weeks, a new story will appear every Friday. We will feature new and upcoming writers as well as classics, all that take science to plausible extremes or reality to the magical. Please leave a review (on your podcast app of choice) and enjoy the stories.

  • Aroph,Aroph Stories,podcast,updates
    Blog,  Updates

    Aroph Short Stories | Update

    Novel finished and now with agents. Back to recording the #ArophShortStories podcast. On episode 5 story “Bumps” by Matthew Hall. Planning on the first episode going live on the first of October. After which, episodes will be released weekly. To note, it will be available on this site, iTunes, and other podcast sites.

Judah's Newsletter

For those of you who want first dibs on my 20+ year writing journey finally culminating towards publication, sign up for my newsletter.

I might even share a bit from my other side gig as an English Professor for fellow writers.