The Judah Mahay, Author App is Here!
Explore the fantastical fiction, poetry, and musings of Judah Mahay in this free smartphone app.
We feature a new running podcast as well entitled Aroph Short Stories, where I narrate a selection of stories from emerging writers and classical tales of Arthur and Robin Hood.
Bored on the subway? Fall into another world for a few minutes. You know you want to.
Feature List:
- Native Android and iPhone apps.
- Listen to the Aroph Short Stories Podcast Series.
- Mobile App at http://app.judahmahay.comย friendly with iPhones, Windows Phones, and Blackberry.
- Read a handful of quick short stories and poems on the fly.
- Track Judah’s blog posts to keep in the in.
- Easily send himย messages or questions.
- Keep up on his Twitter, Facebook, and Instagrams. Who doesn’t tweet after all.
- Track any news about his travels and publications.
- Be totally awesome by downloading his app.
Please let Judah know what you think of his app and if you have any suggestions using the comments section below.
Direct Links: Androidย | Amazonย | iTunes
For those of you who are interested, I used Como.comย to take care of all the coding in my app development.