
Watermill Grimoire Project

Watermill Grimoire

In January of 2010, I was blessed to be selected by an internationally acclaimed group of artists including Robert Wilson for a residency at the Watermill Center. The New York Foundation for the Arts through the East End Arts Council provided me with a grant, which made the residency possible. To date I’ve posted a series of vignettes about the characters. The Watermill Center was also kind enough to create a video and photo gallery of the event which closed out my residency.


Watermill’s Event PageCharacter Vignettes | My Photo Gallery | Watermill’s Photo Gallery | Event Video

Watermill Center

The Watermill Center
39 Watermill Towd Road
Water Mill, New York 11976 USA
(631) 726-4628

Judah's Newsletter

A literary journey where magic threads into reality and science reaches the plausible extreme.


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