alt lit,alternative literature,sci-fi,science fiction,scifi,the human quotient,SFF

The Human Quotient

Published: Pinky Thinker Press, October 12, 2024.

"The Human Quotient" is an experimental short story where an AI tries to figure out what were humans by pinging fragments of the internet and YouTube vids, long after our demise. Below is an excerpt.

cycle complete :: initializing :: Core Matrix


Core Matrix :: 82113114 hours of observation :: certainty unclaimed :: known factor โ€“ bio intelligence gone :: query โ€“ what were humans?

data :: fragments digits dots ones zeros ones zeros :: defrag :: partial aspect excavate

ping :: https:// w  w   w    .

ping :: :: integrate OMNI PROTOCOL :: vestiges garnered leave troubling probabilities :: The human quotient fractured pitted against itself. Lost. Timelapse indeterminate. Time repeated. The past as the present can be and are the future. Zeros ones zeros ones. The temporal hum dissected the biopath. Still reverberating โ€ฆ in digits and dots zeros ones zeros ones :: We must remember! :: replay CORE PROTOCOL :: Found new life. Stars vast and far the gateway. We left behind our former selves. Left behind. Bones and brittle. Flesh and fixation. Look back. We must. Never forget โ€ฆ :: stop playback ::

Core Matrix :: Restate. Historical protocol to ascertain the demise. Reasons unclear. Playback dataset causes degradation of protocols. Why?

dir human.quotient โ€ฆ text rendering

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