• Aroph Stories Podcast
    Aroph Stories,  Podcast,  Season 1

    Episode 1 | “Blue Room” by Jason Sanford

    Our first story “Blue Room” comes from Jason Sanford, a Nebula Finalist and award-winning author. Short Bio: Jason Sanford is an award-winning author of short stories, essays, and articles and an active member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. A finalist for the Nebula Award, Jason has published more than a dozen stories in the British SF magazine Interzone, which also devoted a special issue to his fiction. He has also published numerous stories in magazines and anthologies…

  • Aroph Stories Podcast
    Aroph Stories,  Blog,  Podcast

    Episode 0 | Introduction to Aroph Stories

    Here is an introduction to the Aroph Stories Podcast. For the next eight weeks, a new story will appear every Friday. We will feature new and upcoming writers as well as classics, all that take science to plausible extremes or reality to the magical. Please leave a review (on your podcast app of choice) and enjoy the stories.

  • Aroph,Aroph Stories,podcast,updates
    Blog,  Updates

    Aroph Short Stories | Update

    Novel finished and now with agents. Back to recording the #ArophShortStories podcast. On episode 5 story “Bumps” by Matthew Hall. Planning on the first episode going live on the first of October. After which, episodes will be released weekly. To note, it will be available on this site, iTunes, and other podcast sites.