Contemporary stories with a literary feel.
This is a stream of consciousness piece I wrote about being stuck in an aslyum. The image above is a purchasable crypto NFT art on the OpenSea Marketplace and NFT Marketplace. he lay broken because he must being so torn of flesh and mind how could he do else yet ponder the pitfalls of his twisted and muddled mind yet our Zea is struck with the difficulty of his lack his room stuffy and hot with not a small…
What is Fear
The image created for this story is a purchasable NFT art you can find on the OpenSea Marketplace and Marketplace. Fitful, he ponders its meaning. John hasn’t moved the object from his porch in three days, fear being his master. The package would seem normal to most people but our dear friend John is rather terrified. Now, this might be perplexing, unless you understood the horror this box causes dear John. See, it’s the holidays and packages mean fear,…
The Meaning of Rocks
The bottle slides from Illya’s delicate fingers, landing amidst wild and lush grass. She pinches the long green stocks with her bare toes. It’s soft, like a never-ending fur made of life. The early dew coat her feet with chill. She doesn’t notice. “What’s this?” Illya picks up a rough stone, her youthful hands cupping its dark oval shape. A feeling itches at the back of her senses, tempting her out of reality. The rock gains meaning and changes before…