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    Aroph Short Stories | Update

    Novel finished and now with agents. Back to recording the #ArophShortStories podcast. On episode 5 story “Bumps” by Matthew Hall. Planning on the first episode going live on the first of October. After which, episodes will be released weekly. To note, it will be available on this site, iTunes, and other podcast sites.

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    Blog,  Updates

    The Judah Mahay, Author App is Here!

    Explore the fantastical fiction, poetry, and musings of Judah Mahay in this free smartphone app with over ten short stories and fifteen poems. Bored on the subway? Fall into another world for a few minutes. You know you want to. Download the Judah Mahay, Author app for either Android or Mobile at judahmahay.ninja!

Judah's Newsletter

A literary journey where magic threads into reality and science reaches the plausible extreme.